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Generation Ocean: Coral Reefs Globe

Generation Ocean: Coral Reefs Activities

A flexible set of activities and lesson plans introducing coral reef science and the methods scientists are currently using to study and conserve coral reefs. Activities employ real world coral reef data sets and publications in an accessible way that enables students to become the observers, researchers, and scientific communicators addressing topics like biodiversity, species interdependence, population interactions, climate and human impacts on the environment.
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OEE Angela Rosenberg Thumbnail No Date

Research Vessel Operations

Angela Rosenberg, captain of the 65-foot research vessel, R/V ANGARI speaks about her experience coordinating expeditions to many remote locations throughout the Southeastern U.S., Caribbean and Dry Tortugas.
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Expedition 17: Photogrammetry & Sea Turtle Tagging

Scientists aboard R/V ANGARI spent 9 days in the Western Bahamas studying, tagging, and photo-capturing sea turtles for an ongoing study of fibropapillomatosis, as well as gathering new high-speed biting data from nurse, lemon, and bull sharks in order to help better understand shark morphology, biting, and feeding behaviors.
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