Oceanic whitetip sharks are top ocean predators with rounded white-tipped fins. They are found offshore in the open sea of deep tropical and subtropical waters.
There are 60 species of seagrass found worldwide, and seven of these species grow in Florida, with turtle grass being the most common seagrass found off the coast of Florida.
Students and teachers from Palm Beach Central High School joined scientists from Florida International University onboard R/V ANGARI for a day of shark research in the Lake Worth Lagoon
Volunteers and mentors from Broward County Libraries joined Florida International University scientists onboard R/V ANGARI for an exciting day of research in the Lake Worth Lagoon.
Students and teachers from the SciQuest Academy worked side-by-side with Florida International University scientists onboard R/V ANGARI to study fish in the Lake Worth Lagoon.
The Christmas tree worm is a species of polychaete marine worm that is most commonly associated with hard corals in shallow tropical coral reefs around the world.
Gina Clementi is a marine scientist who specializes in the ecology and conservation of marine predators. Her research uses non-invasive methods such as baited remote underwater videos, environmental DNA and active acoustics.
Students and teachers from Jupiter Environmental Research and Field Studies Academy worked side-by-side with Florida International University scientists onboard R/V ANGARI for a day of shark research in the Lake Worth Lagoon.