The Lake Worth Lagoon Drift Card Study depends on citizen scientists to observe the transport and accumulation of marine debris in our local waterways.

Third semester of Ocean Expert Exchange will cover sharks, shipwrecks and invasive species
ANGARI Foundation, in partnership with the University of Florida Thompson Earth Systems Institute’s Scientist in Every Florida School program, is pleased to announce the Spring 2021 Ocean Expert Exchange schedule. This semester’s presenting scientists hail from Florida International University, the University of Miami and Nicholls State University. Each month, a new ocean topic will be discussed live with an expert. This semester’s lineup includes sharks, shipwrecks and lionfish. Teachers are encouraged to sign their classes up for inside access to marine scientists and to make use of the curated educational content that accompanies each webinar. All events are offered for free and open to the public. Audience questions are encouraged, and advance registration is recommended. The Ocean Expert Exchange livestreams are accessible via Zoom and YouTube Live.
Shark Toxicology – March 11, 2021 @ 1:30 PM ET
Laura García Barcia of Florida International University shares her research on the bioaccumulation of heavy metals in sharks and its impacts on conservation and policy work, including that tied to the shark fin trade.
Underwater Archaeology – April 8, 2021 @ 1:30 PM ET
Dr. Frederick Hanselmann of the University of Miami shares his experiences and the tools used to explore and investigate historic shipwrecks in marine environments around Florida and the Caribbean.
Lionfish Invasion – May 6, 2021 @ 1:30 PM ET
Dr. Katherine Galloway of Nicholls State University shares her research on lionfish biology, the mechanics of their spines, and how this led to their success as an invasive species in the Western Atlantic and Caribbean.
Ocean Expert Exchange is a live educational webinar series featuring experts in marine science and technology, many of whom have participated in expeditions onboard R/V ANGARI. The 30-minute live events welcome audiences of all ages and include a presentation on the speaker’s area of expertise followed by Q&A with participants. The series is co-hosted by ANGARI Foundation and the University of Florida Thompson Earth Systems Institute’s Scientist in Every Florida School program.