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Deep Dive Spiny Lobster

ANGARI Deep Dive – Spiny Lobster

In October's ANGARI Deep Dive topic we're covering the spiny lobster, sometimes also called the Florida lobster. As you might have guessed, the name spiny lobster comes from the forward-pointing spines on their bodies. This species enjoys living in the…

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Sea Turtle Ecology

Dr. Elizabeth Whitman will share her research on sea turtle grazing habits and how these relate to environmental factors like invasive species and hurricanes.
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OEE Coral Restoration With Roxane Boonstra Of Coral Restoration Foundation

Reef Degradation & Restoration

Roxane Boonstra, Dive and Volunteer Coordinator at Coral Restoration Foundation, explains the plight of the Florida Reef Tract over recent decades and how the world’s largest reef restoration organization uses coral nurseries and coral gardening techniques to bring the reefs back to life.
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OEE Krista Sherman Thumbnail No Date

Bahamian Fisheries

Dr. Krista Sherman, Senior Scientist at Perry Institute for Marine Science, shares her research experiences aimed at helping policymakers understand how to better conserve and manage important fisheries resources in the Bahamas.
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OEE Angela Rosenberg Thumbnail No Date

Research Vessel Operations

Angela Rosenberg, captain of the 65-foot research vessel, R/V ANGARI speaks about her experience coordinating expeditions to many remote locations throughout the Southeastern U.S., Caribbean and Dry Tortugas.
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Shark Migration

Dr. Stephen Kajiura, a professor at Florida Atlantic University, speaks about his research on blacktip shark migrations along the U.S. eastern seaboard, and his experience studying these animals from both the sea and the sky.
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