It's our last update of 2021, and we're simultaneously wrapping up a successful year and…

Update from the President – October 14, 2021
Can you believe it’s already October? It feels like summer just began, and yet, we’re weeks into fall. After spending a few months on Florida’s west coast, we’re pleased to have R/V ANGARI back home in West Palm Beach. Our summer expedition season wrapped up with manta rays off Palm Beach, and we are now making preparations for fall trips.
On shore we’ve put together an exciting lineup for this fall’s Ocean Expert Exchange live webinar series. With one down and two to go, don’t forget to join us October 21st and November 18th!
We’re also proud to be named an NGO partner on an endorsed program for the United Nations Ocean Decade. “Marine Life 2030” will establish a global system to deliver actionable, transdisciplinary knowledge of ocean life to those who need it, promoting human well-being, sustainable development and ocean conservation. Collaboration is key when it comes to understanding and protecting our ocean.
We hope you’re enjoying the fall weather (or still summer if you’re in Florida) as much as we are!
Angela Rosenberg
President, ANGARI Foundation