The Lake Worth Lagoon Drift Card Study depends on citizen scientists to observe the transport and accumulation of marine debris in our local waterways.

Students Learn About Life and Work Onboard R/V ANGARI
ANGARI Foundation collaborated with partners from EarthEcho International to give Palm Beach County students an inside look at what life is like for marine scientists working onboard a research vessel. Twenty students from Florida Atlantic University’s Pine Jog Afterschool Program and 16 students from Prime Time Palm Beach County received a tour of R/V ANGARI, learned about boat navigation, scientific SCUBA diving and water quality sampling.
The students are participants in EarthEcho International’s STEMExplore program where they explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers and interact with mentors during dynamic, 45-minute live virtual events. Last month, STEMExplore featured Dr. Krista Sherman, Senior Scientist at Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS) and one of the marine scientists aboard R/V ANGARI Expeditions 30 and 31, during a virtual career connection with students from across the United States. The local participants were then invited aboard R/V ANGARI to enhance their understanding of marine careers and fieldwork by learning from ANGARI Foundation’s own experienced team and getting hands-on with some of the tools of the trade.

About EarthEcho International
EarthEcho International is a nonprofit organization founded on the belief that youth have the power to change our planet. Established by siblings Philippe and Alexandra Cousteau in honor of their father Philippe Cousteau Sr., and grandfather legendary explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, their mission is to inspire young people worldwide to act now for a sustainable future.