The Lake Worth Lagoon Drift Card Study depends on citizen scientists to observe the transport and accumulation of marine debris in our local waterways.

OSU/ANGARI project takes third place at Oklahoma State University’s President’s Cup
We are pleased to announce that Oklahoma State University (OSU) granted $2,000 towards a collaborative project between Oklahoma State University College of Education, Health, and Aviation (CEHA) and ANGARI Foundation. The award is part of OSU’s 2017 President’s Cup for Creative Interdisciplinary and will go towards “Using Virtual Reality to Advance STEM Education in Oklahoma.” This project is one part of ANGARI Foundation’s educational initiative Generation Ocean, which involves bringing ocean research and the marine environment into the classroom and to those who are not near the coast through 360/VR film and complementary lesson plans. More on this project will be announced in the coming months as the first Generation Ocean film is released and lesson plans are implemented in participating classrooms.
The full project description from Oklahoma State University’s announcement is below.
Third Place and $2,000 goes to Using Virtual Reality to Advance STEM Education in Oklahoma, with team leader Ed Harris, Professor of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation, College of Education, Health & Aviation.
Faculty members from programs across the College of Education, Health, and Aviation (CEHA) are partnering with the ANGARI Foundation and PK-12 classroom teachers to advance STEM education in Oklahoma via virtual reality (VR) technologies and engaging, authentic classroom experiences. The purpose of the interdisciplinary project is to bring VR technologies to Oklahoma public school classrooms and in the CEHA to equip pre-service and practicing educators to effectively use this technology. This project expands learning opportunities for Oklahoma students, promotes undergraduate research and prepares students for advanced coursework, increases access to innovative teaching strategies for Oklahoma educators, and provides an opportunity for OSU faculty to engage in interdisciplinary professional development and research productivity that will benefit the university in outside funding and research publications. The OSU/ANGARI project will be used as a model for future partnerships in other universities across the United States.
To read about all of this year’s winners, visit