The Lake Worth Lagoon Drift Card Study depends on citizen scientists to observe the transport and accumulation of marine debris in our local waterways.

“Generation Ocean: Coral Reefs” Helps Students Prepare for Florida Keys Fieldtrip
Students from the Academy of the Holy Names explored coral reefs from their seats in their classroom in Tampa, FL on October 22 and 23, 2018. Using 360/virtual reality (VR) film, 3D printed corals, fossil coral specimens and related lessons, ANGARI Foundation Director of Science Education & Advancement Dr. Amanda Waite and Holy Names 7th grade teacher Mrs. Megan Higbee Hendrickson introduced Hendrickson’s students to coral reefs in preparation for an upcoming field trip to the Florida Keys.
“Working with Dr. Waite brought another dimension to our lesson about corals. The students were able to work with an expert and learn what scientists do in the field. They are excited to apply their knowledge about coral species and morphology to their experiences on their field trip to the Florida Keys,” said Mrs. Hendrickson.
During the class, the students worked their way through stations that allowed them to experience innovative teaching tools, including viewing ANGARI Foundation’s 360/VR film “Generation Ocean: Coral Reefs” – an immersive educational film that transports the student underwater to dive alongside scientists working on the reef and travel back to their laboratory for further research experiments. The students also examined and identified fossil and 3D printed modern corals to better understand reef structure and what Florida’s reefs have looked like through time.
“The students were very engaged. They asked thoughtful questions, readily drew connections to other topics they’d covered in class and were eager to get into the field to apply what they’d learned and experienced first-hand,” explained Dr. Waite.
Once Hendrickson and Waite have formalized this lesson plan and supporting resources, they will be made available on the ANGARI Foundation website.
Please check out this article from Academy of the Holy Names.