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Queen Conch (Aliger gigas)

The queen conch is a large marine gastropod that is known for its pink-lipped shell. You can commonly find them in the seagrass beds and on the sandy sea floor.
#ANGARIDeep Dive_West Atlantic Trumpetfish_PC_marcduf

West Atlantic Trumpetfish (Aulostomus maculatus)

The West Atlantic trumpetfish is a species of trumpetfish commonly found in the tropical areas of the Atlantic Ocean, from Florida down to Brazil, and also in the Gulf of Mexico.
#ANGARIDeepDive American Oystercatcher. PC: Benji Studt

American Oystercatcher (Haematopus Palliatus)

The American oystercatcher is a migratory shorebird with an identifiable long, thick orange bill, black and white plumage and yellow irises.
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Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus)

The Nassau grouper is a species of grouper known for its unique spawning activities and ability for female Nassau groupers to change genders.

Spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari)

The spotted eagle ray is a species of ray that is decorated with white spots and marks across their dorsal side and has a unique snout.
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Blue Dragon (Glaucus atlanticus)

The blue dragon is a brightly colored pelagic nudibranch that has the ability to store its prey's venom!
#ANGARIDeepDive_Queen Angelfish_PC ANGARI Foundation

Queen Angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris)

The queen angelfish is a species of angelfish with beautiful and vibrant coloring that allows it to successfully blend in with colorful reef.
#ANGARIDeepDive_Great Barracuda_PC ANGARI Foundation

Great Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)

The great barracuda is a long tubular fish with a pointed snout, two rows of sharp teeth and black spots on the lower side of their bodies.
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Southern Stingray (Hypanus americanus)

The southern stingray is native to the western Atlantic Ocean and commonly found buried under the soft sediment with only its large eyes uncovered.
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Portuguese Man O’ War (Physalia physalis)

The Portuguese man o' war is a species of siphonophore that is commonly found drifting on the surface in the Gulf northern Atlantic Ocean.
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