ANGARI Foundation is proud to have been an Ecosystem Sponsor for CORALPALOOZA™ 2019. On June 7 & 8, R/V ANGARI and crew ventured down to the Florida Keys to provide operational support to Coral Restoration Foundation™ at their annual event to restore coral…
OceanGate deep-sea submersible makes record-breaking dive in The Bahamas; R/V ANGARI provides surface support
ANGARI Foundation travels to California to share “Generation Ocean” with CUE 2019 community
With an invitation to share ANGARI Foundation's vision for 360/VR use in classrooms, our team headed out to Palm Springs, California to attend this year's Spring CUE 2019 conference. Over the three-day conference, we met with members of the education…
Angela Rosenberg Recognized as Hero of the Environment at South Florida Fair
As part of the 2019 South Florida Fair's "Superhero" theme in Palm Beach County, locals were acknowledged for their special powers in the “Not all Heroes Wear Capes” parades. From the environment to education and medicine, local "superheroes" were recognized…