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Superheroes of the Sea -

How Nudibranchs Thrive in Tough Times

Dr. Richelle Tanner, Program Director and Assistant Professor of Environmental Science & Policy

Schmid College of Science and Technology, and
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at Chapman University

Dr. Tanner talks about the fascinating world of nudibranchs, more commonly called sea slugs, and how these invertebrates can survive and even thrive under challenging conditions.

Recorded Webinar:

Select Supplemental Content:

[REFERENCE]  Meet Dr. Richelle Tanner
[RESOURCE LIBRARY]  Socio-Ecological Adaptation & Climate Resilience (SEACR) Lab
[RESOURCE LIBRARY]  National Geographic Kids – Nudibranch
[VIDEO SHORT]  PBS LearningMedia – Splendid Sea Slugs | Ocean Adventures

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Ocean Expert Exchange is a live educational webinar series featuring experts in marine science and technology, many of whom have participated in expeditions onboard R/V ANGARI. The 30-minute live events welcome audiences of all ages and include a presentation on the speaker’s area of expertise followed by Q&A with participants. The series is co-hosted by ANGARI Foundation and the University of Florida Thompson Earth Systems Institute’s Scientist in Every Florida School program.

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