ANGARI Deep Dive has curated news, stories and features that are important for scientists, students, the public, our sponsors and stakeholders.
Roseate spoonbills are a species of wading bird with a spoon-shaped bill and the distinct pink coloration on their plumage.
Hawksbill sea turtles are identifiable by a beak like mouth that resembles a hawk's beak and overlapping scutes on their carapace.
Lemon sharks are a species of shark commonly found in the subtropical and tropical regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Elkhorn coral is a species of fast growing, reef-building, hard coral found throughout reefs in The Bahamas, the Caribbean and Florida.
The Caribbean reef squid is a member of the cephalopod family and use chromatophores to change its body color and pattern.
The goliath grouper is the largest species of grouper and can be identified by its brown and yellow coloring with dark spots across its heads.
Black mangroves grow in Western Africa and the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of the Americas. It's identified by its pneumatophores and salty leaves.
The bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) is a species of shark that has the unique ability to spend time in both marine and fresh waters!
Atlantic spotted dolphins live in the Atlantic ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. They are born without any spots and gain them as they age.
The regal sea goddess nudibranch is a marine gastropod found in the Gulf of Mexico and can be identified by the extremely colorful patterns.